Various Ways to Treat Depression


There are several mental disorders. Among them, depression is the most treatable. A high percentage of individuals (ranging from 80-90%) who suffer from depression have good responses to treatment and experience some relief from the symptoms they are suffering from. Prior to any diagnosis or treatment, a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation is done by a healthcare professional like those practicing psychiatry in Texas. This test is vital in determining particular symptoms and know more about medical and family histories, and cultural and environmental factors with aim of providing the right diagnosis and preparing the appropriate course of action.

  • Medicine

    It’s possible that the chemistry of our brain has something to do with our depression and may play a role in treating this mental illness. Due to this, we may be given prescription drugs to help change the chemistry of our brains. These medicines are not addicting like sedatives, tranquilizers, and “uppers”. Mostly, antidepressant medication doesn’t have a stimulating effect on those who are not suffering from depression. Psychiatrists often advise us, patients, to take these kinds of medicines 6 months or longer after the improvement of the symptoms to restore our mental health.

  • Psychotherapy

    For those experiencing mild depression, psychotherapy or “talk therapy” may be enough. For those who have moderate or severe depression, psychotherapy together with antidepressant medications is used. This can be done after a psychiatric evaluation has been done. Among those that have been found to work very effectively is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). It’s a kind of therapy that puts emphasis on the solution to the problem in the present. CBT will aid us to determine distorted/negative ways of thinking with the purpose of altering the way we think and behave to face challenges more positively.

  • Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)

    This kind of medical treatment is especially for those suffering from severe major depression and did not respond to other types of treatments. In this treatment, our brain is given a brief electrical stimulation while under anesthesia. We are typically given ECT twice or thrice per week, totaling six to 12 treatments.

  • Self-help and coping

    There are several things we can do to help minimize the symptoms of depression, such as doing regular exercise, which aids in producing positive feelings and improving our mood. Having regular ample sleep, eating a healthy and balanced diet, and avoiding drinking alcohol which is a depressant can minimize the symptoms of this mental health disorder as well.

At GOFAN Healthcare Services LLC, we have all the highly proficient healthcare professionals to help you recover from depression. Feel free to contact us about our psychiatric-rehabilitation Center in Frisco, Texas.

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