Recognizing the Red Flags of Depression


It’s natural to feel low occasionally, but when feelings like hopelessness and despair become pervasive and difficult to control, it might be more serious than you realize. Having said that, it may be time to consider a psychiatric evaluation for Depression. But what exactly is this?

Depression is a mental health condition that alters your thoughts, feelings, and ability to carry out everyday tasks. It’s more than just melancholy brought on by difficulties and adversities in life. It can make it difficult for you to work, study, eat, sleep, or simply live life the way you used to.

If you suspect that you or someone you know might have Depression yet are lacking the necessary tools, allow us here at GOFAN Healthcare Services LLC to help you!

As experts in psychiatry in Texas, allow us to share a few red flags that might indicate if a person has Depression:

  • Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness

    This typically involves having a bleak viewpoint, believing there is nothing they can do to make their situation better or that nothing will ever get better.

  • Loss of interest in daily activities

    An individual is no longer interested in previous passions, pastimes, or social activities. It seems like they have lost their ability to experience joy and pleasure.

  • Appetite or weight changes

    Substantial weight loss or gain—a shift of more than 5% of body weight in a month.

Do you have questions about psychiatric care programs meant to treat Depression or any other mental health condition? Reach us anytime!

If you are looking for a trusted psychiatric-rehabilitation center in Frisco, Texas, we might just be the solution you seek. We look forward to serving you!

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