Helpful Tips to Control Anxiety Levels


Feeling anxiety can be completely normal as it is how we respond to threatening factors. In many cases, worrying about something can be good as it prompts us to address these threats. However, excessive and impairing anxiety can be detrimental to our physical and mental health

As practitioners of psychiatry in Texas, we want to help everyone achieve mental wellness. What are some ways to manage intense anxiety? 

  • Breathing Exercises

    Breathing exercises are often helpful in a psychiatric recovery routine. It can be easy to panic because of an anxiety attack. Breathing exercises can calm and control your emotions.

  • Keep Stress Levels Low

    Uncontrolled stress often heightens your risk of mental conditions. It can also heighten your feelings of anxiety. Taking steps to control your stress levels daily may help your anxiety.

  • Stay in the Present

    Your anxiety can worsen when you ruminate about factors and situations often out of your control or not in your immediate environment. Staying grounded in the present will make keeping your anxiety in check.

  • Divert Your Focus

    You can also direct your energy toward something productive. When anxiety arises, you can exercise or do chores to manage these negative feelings.

  • Talk to Mental Health Professionals

    Mental health professionals have the skills and expertise to help you navigate your anxiety. They can also carry out psychiatric care programs to aid in your overall healing.

Here at GOFAN Healthcare Services LLC, we have the people and resources to help you manage your anxiety. Our psychiatric-rehabilitation center in Frisco, Texas, is your ally in achieving stronger mental wellness. Call us today to learn more!

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