Different Causes of Mental Illness

Mental illness has degraded the lives of those suffering from it and has affected the patients’ families as well. Understanding their causes will be helpful in treating and managing the illness. This illness cannot be caused by just one specific factor. Several factors have been considered that cause mental illness. Experts like those practicing psychiatry in Texas believe that mental illness may be caused or worsened by the following factors:

  • Physical factors

    Among the things that may cause or worsen mental health disorders are physical sickness, disability, and even the idea of getting older. Alcohol intoxication and substance abuse may cover mental illness. This can mean that those individuals who abuse drugs or alcohol regularly may have already developed mental illness without knowing it because many mental illness signs and symptoms resemble that of an intoxicated individual.

  • Environmental factors

    Some research has revealed that being exposed to particular viruses, alcohol, and chemicals while in the womb can also be associated with an individual developing mental illness. Traumatic life experiences like being in combat, sexually abused, or raped can also result in mental illness. Psychiatrists and other related healthcare professionals will determine these factors during psychiatric evaluation.

  • Genetic factors

    Mental illness can also be attributed to genetic factors or genes we inherit. This kind of illness has a strong tendency to run in families due to its strong genetic foundation. Individuals have higher chances of developing mental illness if their parents or close relatives have also been suffering from this kind of illness.

  • Stress factors

    Mental illness can also be caused by stressors like traumatic circumstances such as the death of a loved one, a hard breakup, loss of a job or pet, and poor interpersonal relationships with family members. Individuals may have a hard time coping in stressful situations and show signs and symptoms akin to those that mentally ill people show. In several cases, the signs and symptoms disappear after the first reaction to traumatic circumstances and after getting help. It’s important to cope with stressors in life to keep good mental health.

At GOFAN Healthcare Services LLC, we have all the highly proficient healthcare professionals to help people with mental illnesses. Feel free to contact us about our psychiatric-rehabilitation Center in Frisco, Texas.

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